WRT use cases:<br><br>I am a record-all-rehearsals guy. A hackable/extendable box would fuel my urge to solder and help me get rid of the lengthy setup routine I go through before every rehearsal.<br><br>No, wait, I actually tend to forget recording because of the hassle...<br><br>I'd love to build something like the time machine jack client, only in hardware. <br><br>- Burkhard<br><span style="font-family:Prelude, Verdana, san-serif;"><br><br></span><span id="signature"><div style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;color: #999999;">-- please excuse top posting from my crappy old Palm Pre</div><br></span><span style="color:navy; font-family:Prelude, Verdana, san-serif; "><hr align="left" style="width:75%">Johannes Kroll <jkroll@lavabit.com> schrieb am 07.01.2013 18:42: <br><br>On Sun, 6 Jan 2013 08:48:35 -0800
<br>"Len Ovens" <len@ovenwerks.net> wrote:
<br>> On Sun, January 6, 2013 5:57 am, Johannes Kroll wrote:
<br>> > Hi all!
<br>> >
<br>> > This is kind of off-topic here but I thought if there is such a thing,
<br>> > some of you guys might know.
<br>> >
<br>> > I'm looking for an audio recorder where the firmware and/or the
<br>> > hardware is hackable. Ideally, this would be similar to the Tascam
<br>> > DR-05 in price and features, but with free/libre firmware and hardware.
<br>> > Maybe someone knows of such a project?
<br>> >
<br>> > Alternatively, is any of the "closed" devices such as the Tascam DR-XX
<br>> > known to have modifiable firmware?
<br>> The price point would be the hard part. Any of the open hardware projects
<br>> I have seen are more expensive than the closed projects, just because they
<br>> are small and don't have the price cuts of large scale manufacture. The
<br>> Open Moco is a great example in the smart phone world (one of the few that
<br>> got to a usable/buyable product). And may actually work for you... though
<br>> I don't know that it has stereo in.
<br>> What I would suggest is to take something like the dr ($60 is cheap) for
<br>> the case, mics and display and add one of the small open general purpose
<br>> mother boards that are around. The gumstix or something similar would fit
<br>> the case... there may even be an atom based board that would fit.... or
<br>> would fit in a box not much bigger. The question would be how much time do
<br>> you personally want to send hacking? (hardware hacking) How much can you
<br>> spend? The computer swapout alone would more than double the price.
<br>> As for hacking the unit itself, the first question is why. Not so much why
<br>> you want to, but why would others want to. Before something gets the
<br>> firm/software hacked there generally needs to be a reason at least a few
<br>> people want to do so. Some extra functionality that is obvious (the smart
<br>> phone has so much locked functionality it is frustrating so there are lots
<br>> of hacks). The dr already seems to me to anything I would think of using
<br>> it for,
<br>As to why, I can think of a few things:
<br> - triggering recording at fixed time intervals, or based on some audio
<br> event like raised volume, or based on some external event, e. g. for
<br> syncing to a video camera
<br> - implementing USB audio so the device can be used as an external
<br> microphone. The recorders I've seen only output an analog signal.
<br> - changing recording parameters like custom sampling rates or different
<br> encodings. Commercial ones mostly do uncompressed WAV or MP3, but no
<br> lossless compression like FLAC for example.
<br>Other people probably have other ideas...
<br>Last not least, I simply like the idea of being in control of hardware
<br>I buy.
<br>As to price: the DSO nano is a free/open source oscilloscope which
<br>isn't expensive at all, so building free and inexpensive hardware is
<br>possible. Actually, using the DSO nano as a base could be a good
<br>start for a recorder, it has A/D converters, mass storage and
<br>everything... Just no mics.
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