Hey James!<br><br>Kinsella argues copyright from the point of view of non-aggression, i.e.<br>property rights.<br><br>As for your question, as to how will people make a living who do IP only?<br>Consider an analogy which is brought up often.<br>
Say, there is a culture where women are being forced to marry men that their<br>family chooses. As you know, in many countries around the world in the past<br>this was standard stuff.<br>And now imagine someone saying that this is wrong and brings in his argumentation.<br>
And someone says - well, then how will my sister get married?<br><br>Or if you are against slavery, someone will tell you - well, then how will the work<br>in this country be done if there are no slaves? Who will want to do it?<br>
<br>The real question is - I don't know. All I know is that forced marriage/slavery/copyright are wrong and here are<br>my arguments.<br>I don't see a problem with that position.<br><br>As pointed out on my site, producing IP is necessary. How will people get paid?<br>
In various different ways. Just like they get paid now. In Russia copyright law is<br>not enforced that much, yet Russia has scientists, composers, actors and movie directors.<br>So they must be getting paid somehow.<br><br>