<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi LA!<br><br></div>I've just finished uploading my radio shows thus far to <a href="http://archive.org">archive.org</a>:<br><div><div><br>MUMBLE RUMBLE 1 - BIRTH RUMBLE - 8/8/2013<br><br>Mumble Rumble is an irregular radio show broadcast on Dark City Radio using <br>
entirely free and open source software, most notably Mumble for VOIP.<br><br>This is the debut episode of the show and discusses various aspects of Mumble <br>and why I think its good enough to create a radio show to promote its use and <br>
why you should use it too, amongst other things.<br><br>Please excuse the poor audio during the first few minutes - it gets better <br>shortly after the introduction!<br><br>TRACKS (edited out)<br><br>apatt - Village Idiot<br>
<br>tRANSELEMENt - King Henry<br><br><a href="https://archive.org/details/MumbleRumble1BirthRumble">https://archive.org/details/MumbleRumble1BirthRumble</a><br><br><br>MUMBLE RUMBLE 2 - INTERVIEW WITH FALKTX - 15/8/2013<br>
<br>Mumble Rumble is an irregular radio show broadcast on Dark City Radio using <br>entirely free and open source software, most notably Mumble for VOIP.<br><br>Mumble Rumble was honoured to have legendary Linux audio hacker falkTX as its <br>
first ever guest for Mumble Rumble II. falkTX gets quizzed on his <br>distribution/ repository KXStudio (as used to power Dark City Radio), his <br>DISTRHO plugins, his plugin host Carla and much more!<br><br><a href="http://www.darkcityradio.com/">http://www.darkcityradio.com/</a><br>
<br><a href="http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/">http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/</a><br><br><a href="https://archive.org/details/MumbleRumble2InterviewWithFalkTX">https://archive.org/details/MumbleRumble2InterviewWithFalkTX</a><br>
<br><br>MUMBLE RUMBLE 3 - MILES JOHNSTON INTERVIEW - 12/9/2013<br><br>Miles Johnston has not only played a significant role in both UK pirate radio <br>(by setting up Kiss 103) as well as conventional broadcasting through his time <br>
at the BBC and SKY; he is more well known today as being one of the UK's <br>leading researchers into UFO's, abductees, mind control and a whole host of <br>other things that we're told don't exist, if we are aware of them at all.<br>
<br>The main outlets of Miles research have been his Bases series of videos which <br>started in the mid 90's by focusing on exposing the UK DUMBs (Deep Underground <br>Military Bases) and more recently he played a major role in the AMMACH project, <br>
with which he is no longer involved. <br><br>This show documents Miles first use of Mumble which he utilsed to express his <br>feelings and notable memories of AMMACH, the media (including non-humans at the <br>BBC), supersoldiers, implants, the Large Hadron Collider and much more!<br>
<br><a href="https://archive.org/details/MumbleRumble3MilesJohnstonInterview">https://archive.org/details/MumbleRumble3MilesJohnstonInterview</a></div></div></div>