<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>I go all he way back to when music came over the AM radio, clipped, attenuated, stomped, squashed, and premasticated.<br></div>The "stereo" of my day wasn't stereo (yet) and we called it Hi-Fi (for high fidelity) and we built our own amps or assembled Heathkits.<br>
</div>So now (according to Steve Guttenberg) we are back to stomped and pre-chewed, except around LAU where we all still roll our own one way or another.<br></div>Pete<br><div><div><div><div><div><br><br><a href="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13645_3-57605536-47/an-inconvenient-truth-why-music-sounds-bad/?tag=nl.e702&s_cid=e702&ttag=e702&ftag=CAD767ae48">http://news.cnet.com/8301-13645_3-57605536-47/an-inconvenient-truth-why-music-sounds-bad/?tag=nl.e702&s_cid=e702&ttag=e702&ftag=CAD767ae48</a><br>