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> The electronic piece had lots of interesting ideas, but for me they were too
<br/>> frenetically squashed together. Personally I need time to absorb a musical idea
<br/>> before going on to the next one.
<br/>i can understand this, Will. The piece was conceived as accompaniment for a young gymnast's floor exercise routine, so it feeds off the high energy and quick shifts from elegant dancing to athletic tumbling runs. i realize there's always Nadia's Theme, and that can come later. This was my first piece written with Linux, and i just wanted to get my hands dirty with the making. Once i'm more in control of the technology in particular and recording techniques in general, let's hope for a little maturity. Now if i can just find the right bouncing teen....
<br/>> Very impressed with the organ piece :)
<br/>Thanks for listening, Will, and thanks for the kind words.