[Consortium] Re: UK free software audio/video conference

Andrea Glorioso sama at miu-ft.org
Mon Jan 24 05:10:18 EST 2005

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel James <daniel at linuxaudio.org> writes:

    > Hi Andrea,
    >> I think we can get help from IRCAM and INET, like we did last
    >> year for LAC.  As soon as I have an idea for a set of ideas I
    >> will contact the relevant persons.

    > Thanks for the offer - I'm sure streaming would really add to
    > the event, especially if we can put on a good gig in the
    > evening.

You are welcome.  Of course, the sentence "I have an idea for a set of
ideas" above should be read "I have an idea for  [you decide on] a set
of dates".


Andrea Glorioso             sama at miu-ft.org         +39 333 820 5723
        .:: Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia ::.
	      Conquering the world for fun and profit

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