[Consortium] ICMC Inspirational Ideas

The S2S² project info at s2s2.org
Tue May 17 07:30:23 EDT 2005

[ Apologies for cross-posting.  Feel free to forward around ]

The  ICMC2005  team  (www.icmc05.org)  together with  the  S2S²  project
(www.s2s2.org)  is proposing  another  way of  actively participate  and
interact  in the conference  apart from  the traditional  calls (papers,

The basic  idea is to have  a venue where researchers  and composers can
discuss  preliminary  or visionary  ideas.  The  ideas  can be  musical,
technical, scientific, theoretical, practical, .... No proven results or
developed systems are  required, the only restriction is  that the ideas
should be original, inspired and thought provoking.

The proposals will be reviewed by a panel. The authors will have a 5 min
presentation time in a  free-spirited discussion forum inside the ICMC05
activities. The  accepted proposals will  be printed as  handouts during
the venue. After the conference, a book will be published containing the
papers and a summary of the discussion. This book will also be available
online through the S2S² website.

We are personally  inviting relevant figures in the  field to contribute
to this  idea, which  we think  is exciting and  promising. There  is no
specific format  or template  for this call,  we encourage  original and
interesting usage  of the  one-page format.Please consider  submitting a
proposal before the deadline on  May 23rd, especially if you are already
considering attending the Barcelona conference.

Read more at http://www.icmc2005.org/index.php?selectedPage=87

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