[Jack-Devel] MacOS support

Robin Gareus robin at gareus.org
Sun Feb 4 22:58:23 CET 2018

On 02/03/2018 04:37 PM, Chris Caudle wrote:
> Requires libltc:
> https://github.com/x42/libltc
> Looking at the INSTALL file it appears libltc still uses autotools, not
> waf, so if the original poster has autotools available on Mac OS then it
> should be easy to build with ./configure; make; sudo make install
> I get the impression that having gcc and autotools installed is less
> common on Mac than on linux installations.

OSX comes with autotools since as far back as I can remember and it
still does (there's a subtle difference for libtoolize (BSD version vs
GNU version. Macs come with both: glibtoolize for the GNU version).

There are no plans to switch libltc to waf or any other build-system.
autotools sucks least by far when it comes to libraries, cross-compiling
libs, architecture support and exporting symbols.


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