[Jackaudio] [ANN] KillJack V2020-08-08

Kjetil Matheussen k.s.matheussen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 12:07:43 CEST 2020

Changes since last release:
* MacOS: Fix killing jack if started by qjackctl
* Window: Switch from 32 bit to 64 bit.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 11:48 AM Kjetil Matheussen
<k.s.matheussen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Source code and binaries for linux/windows/osx here:
> https://github.com/kmatheussen/KillJack
> ----------
> The Jack server sometimes crashes/freezes in ways which make users
> restart the computer in order to use Jack again.
> Users don't really have to restart the computer, but googling the
> problem and finding a solution could take more time than restarting.
> This is not very user friendly.
> The problem exists on all platforms. It's not a bug in Jack per se,
> it's how the program reacts when a client misbehave in certain ways.
> -----
> This program kills Jack unconditionally. Executables for Linux, MacOS,
> and Windows are provided. I strongly recommend that all programs using
> Jack includes a program like this.
> A better solution would be if Jack ran a watchdog, but it currently doesn't.
> You are allowed to distribute this program any way you want. [1]
> [1] Note that there might be copyright issues with the icon and the
> quotes from the movie.

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