[linux-audio-announce] [OT] soundapps pages updated (again)

Dave Phillips dlphillips at woh.rr.com
Sun Jul 17 10:08:28 EDT 2005


  I've added a Musings section, corrected some URLs, and added one or 
two new items. You know the drill:

    http://linux-sound.org   (USA)

    http://linuxsound.jp   (Japan)

    http://linuxsound.atnet.at   (Europe)

  Alas, the European site is giving me fits again and is not yet 
updated. The Japanese site will auto-update this evening.

  Btw, my thanks to the many people who sent kindly messages regarding 
these pages. I'm glad that the sites are a useful resource, despite 
their ancient format and lack of amenities, and since no-one else has 
arrived with a replacement I'll keep aperiodically updating them. I hope 
you all continue to find them useful and enjoyable.

Best regards,

Dave Phillips

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