[linux-audio-announce] Slag 0.1pre1

Alex Marandon al at alpage.org
Sat Apr 15 08:13:10 EDT 2006


This is the first public version of Slag!

Slag is a pattern-based audio sequencer that can currently be used as a
simple drum box. It features real-time editing, optional JACK support
with individual ports for tracks, volume settings for pads and tracks, a
virtually unlimited number of tracks and patterns, the ability to link
song parts together, and real-time audio file output. It's licensed
under the GNU GPL.

Homepage : http://www.nongnu.org/slag/
Download : http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/slag/

It's a simple application, but I think some people may have fun with it.
After more than two years of developement, this is the first public
release, so don't hesitate to send feedback. It requires Qt3,
libsamplerate, libsndfile, and at least one of libao or JACK for live
audio output.



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