[LAA] Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard 0.8.0 and Drumstick libs 2.0.0 released

Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas pedro.lopez.cabanillas at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 09:46:34 CET 2020

Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. It 
doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI 
synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can 
use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. You can 
use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display the played MIDI notes from 
another instrument or MIDI file player.
Project web site: https://vmpk.sourceforge.io/
Downloads: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vmpk/files/vmpk/0.8.0/

Drumstick is a set of MIDI libraries using C++/Qt5 idioms and style. 
Includes a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface: ALSA 
sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. A 
complementary library provides classes for processing SMF (Standard MIDI 
files: .MID/.KAR), and Cakewalk (.WRK) file formats. A multiplatform 
realtime MIDI I/O library and a GUI Widgets libraries are also provided.
Project web site: https://drumstick.sourceforge.io/
Downloads: https://sourceforge.net/projects/drumstick/files/2.0.0/

License of both projects: GPL v3 or later 

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