[LAA] Rivendell v4.0.0beta2

Fred Gleason fredg at paravelsystems.com
Sat Jul 31 22:57:26 CEST 2021

On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to
announce the availability of the third public beta release of the next
major version of Rivendell, v4.0.0beta2. Rivendell is a full-featured radio
automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast
environments. It is available under the GNU General Public License
version 2.

From the 'NEWS' file:
*** snip snip ***
   Third beta release of Rivendell v4.x. Be sure to read the INSTALL
   document, as major changes in software dependencies have occurred.

Major Changes Between v3.x and v4.x:
   Qt Toolkit. Rivendell v4.x uses and is fully compatibile with major
   version 5 of Qt (Qt5). See the INSTALL documents for specifics.

   MySQL Compatibility. Rivendell v4.x aims for full compatibility with
   MySQL 8.0 and earlier versions in their default installation

   RDAirPlay. The rdairplay(1) has been completely overhauled, and now
   supports dynamic resizeability as well as a revamped level metering

   RDPanel. The rdpanel(1) now supports dynamic resizing.

Database Update:
   This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 350, and will
   automatically upgrade any earlier versions. To see the current schema
   version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin->SystemInfo.

   Be sure to run 'rddbmgr --modify' (as root) immediately after upgrading
   to allow any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.
*** snip snip ***

New installations of Rivendell v4.x can be generated using one of the following two online installers:

For RedHat/CentOS 7:
	https://software.paravelsystems.com/howtos/CentOS/7rd4/ <https://software.paravelsystems.com/howtos/CentOS/7rd4/>

For UbuntuStudio 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”: 
	https://software.paravelsystems.com/howtos/ubuntu/focal/ <https://software.paravelsystems.com/howtos/ubuntu/focal/>

If you have already installed a previous Rivendell v4.x beta, you can upgrade that installation to v4.0.0beta2 by means of the following commands:

For RedHat/CentOS 7:

	sudo yum clean expire-cache
	sudo yum update rivendell

For UbuntuStudio 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”: 

	sudo apt update
	sudo apt upgrade rivendell

Please feel free to spin up either environment and put the system through its paces. Please create an Issue report for any problems found at:

	https://github.com/ElvishArtisan/rivendell/issues <https://github.com/ElvishArtisan/rivendell/issues>

Be sure to mention both the version of Rivendell and distribution used.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |
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