[linux-audio-dev] Re: Cheby amp code
Steve Harris
S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Nov 4 18:54:00 UTC 2002
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 08:42:26 +0100, Tim Goetze wrote:
> >There is an example here: http://plugin.org.uk/tmp/foo.png
> have you tried it with real-world data yet?
Just tried it, tested with a synthetic overdrive effect. The results look
plausible. but I haven't tried shaping anything with them.
The data is attached incase anyone wants to try building the waveshaper
out of the data. The ends of the curve are bogus, they would need to be
removed to get an accurate shape.
In the data file the first column is the input amplitude, the second is
the output amplitude.
I probably wont have any time to work on this tommorow, but I will have
plenty of brainwidth.
- Steve
-------------- next part --------------
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0.453125 0.248287
0.468750 0.248104
0.484375 0.247920
0.500000 0.247737
0.515625 0.247553
0.531250 0.247431
0.546875 0.247247
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0.578125 0.246880
0.593750 0.246697
0.609375 0.246513
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0.656250 0.246024
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0.687500 0.245657
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0.734375 0.245106
0.750000 0.244923
0.765625 0.244739
0.781250 0.244556
0.796875 0.244372
0.812500 0.244189
0.828125 0.244005
0.843750 0.243822
0.859375 0.243700
0.875000 0.243455
0.890625 0.243333
0.906250 0.243149
0.921875 0.242904
0.937500 0.237032
0.953125 0.200759
0.968750 0.095363
0.984375 -0.077318
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