[linux-audio-dev] Re: image problem [was Re: [Alsa-devel] help for a levelmeter]
Mark Knecht
markknecht at attbi.com
Sun Oct 20 17:54:01 UTC 2002
I think your commitment and abilities are amazing. (Re: the compressor
you did within a couple of days of me even suggesting it.)
I haven't been able to do enough work with Ardour to really use the
plugins you've done and make good comments on them. From the Pro Tools
forums, I know that there are really only about 5-7 plugins that get used
all the time. The compressor was the only major missing link when I got
here. I think we're on our way.
You're meters are going to make people very happy, especially when we
have some way to let users plug them in where ever they need to in their
signal chains. Viva la patch bay.
-----Original Message-----
From: linux-audio-dev-admin at music.columbia.edu
[mailto:linux-audio-dev-admin at music.columbia.edu]On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 1:54 PM
To: linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: image problem [was Re: [Alsa-devel]
help for a levelmeter]
On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 02:50:19 -0400, David Gerard Matthews wrote:
> >I think that some real program management is required.
> >Look at what the market wants and needs, (audio, MIDI, soft synths,
> >plugins,
> >scoring, automation, etc.) write it down somewhere and then do an honest
> >assessment of where Linux audio solutions are.
> >
> I don't think lack of awareness is the problem. The problem is that
> most Linux audio apps are developed by
> people who have full-time jobs doing other things. The problems
> involved in designing audio apps are so great
> that even those people who are able to work full time on Linux audio are
> often stupmed as to how to implement
This might be true on the macro scale, "what we need is a complete DAW
that does everything" ;) but I, personally have no idea what the average
musician wants from plugins. My needs are pretty esoteric, and I'm trying
not to flood the LADSPA scene with bizarre, special purpose plugins (belive
it or not ;).
Which brings me to my off-topic rant, I think its my turn again ;)
Don't be afraid to criticise. I am very thick skinned, and wont be
offended if you tell me that plugin X is crap, or should be different. Or
something. Complain! Just because you're not paying me doesn't mean I
don't care if it sucks.
I have a bigish todo list, but some of the things on it are truly hard,
however if what you want is easy, it will get done quickly, and if enough
people want something I will be more motivated to pull my finger out.
- Steve
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