[linux-audio-dev] Mx4

Jens M Andreasen ja_linux at yahoo.se
Mon Aug 4 07:55:01 UTC 2003

Frank had the following concern:

 > Thanks a lot for that contribution to the community! I only have one
 > small concern: On the web page you state that the source is released
 > under the GPL, but the actual .zip archive only contains sources,
 > Makefile and binary, but no "COPYING" file which would clearly
 > identify it as GPL even if someone has not visited the project's
 > homepage ...


 > PS: Oh, and while you are at it - please have the archive unpack its
 > contents into a subdirectory like Mx4/ :-).

OK! Consider it done! COPYING included and the zip unpacks in Mx4-4/

c[] // Jens M Andreasen

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