[linux-audio-dev] userspace atomic primitives for multithread and SMP applications?

Jack O'Quin joq at io.com
Wed Aug 20 23:50:00 UTC 2003

Ingo Oeser <ingo.oeser at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de> writes:

> I copy the relevant atomicity.h, since glibc gives me no other
> choice. They are trivial anyway.

Which version of atomicity.h do you use?  I see more than one in my
Debian woody system.

To compile my application for all supported platforms, I would need to
collect all these header files and wrap them with appropriate
#ifdef's, right?  Or else, I could put them in subdirectories and
select the right one at ./configure time.
  Jack O'Quin
  Austin, Texas, USA

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