[linux-audio-dev] Pixmap slider tutorial?

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Tue Dec 16 12:55:54 UTC 2003

>>I'm still new to LAD so sorry if this has been asked before - is there
>>anywhere online that has an introductory tutorial to creating custom
>>pixmap sliders? I'm looking for a tutorial similar to the gtk dial
>>tutorial on the gtk.org site. If anyone has a link or info I'd
>>appreciate it.
>no real need to do this. both gdam and ardour contain a GTK+ 1.2
>custom pixmap slider, so you can start there. ardour's one is a bit
>more generalized than the gdam one, and can do horizontal and vertical
>layouts automatically, based on the dimensional ratio of the pixmaps.

i should have noted that ardour's is derived from the gdam one, just
to get the indebtedness and ancestry clear :)

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