[linux-audio-dev] XAP spec - early scribbles
torbenh at gmx.de
torbenh at gmx.de
Mon Mar 3 05:08:01 UTC 2003
On Sun, Mar 02, 2003 at 09:06:02PM +0000, Simon Jenkins wrote:
> torbenh at gmx.de wrote:
> >ok ... now to the API...
> >
> Here's my thinking so far, modulo some of your comments
> (I'll need to think a bit more about some other of your comments,
> eg what you need for galan)
me too... but as you stated: you're the graph sort head :)
> /*============================================================================
> File: gsort.h
> ==============================================================================
> Purpose: C interface to gsort library
> Project: gsort library
> Tabs: 4
> Version: proposal.0.0.1
> Comments: Very rough draft, doesn't compile.
> This version presumes a C++/STL implementation completely
> hidden
> behind a C API, but that hasn't been decided yet. Alternatives
> could be:
> an implementation that exposes enough internal data
> structures for
> apps to manipulate graphs directly rather than solely via
> the API.
> (Problem with this is that the implementation needs inheritance
> which would have to be "hand rolled" in C, were it to be exposed
> to the application.)
where do you use inheritance ?
> ==============================================================================
> Copyright (c) Simon Jenkins 2003 licence to be decided (GPL/LGPL/dual?)
> ============================================================================*/
> #ifndef ushort
> #define ushort unsigned short
> #endif
> #ifndef uint
> #define uint unsigned int
> #endif
> #ifdef __cplusplus
> extern "C"
> {
> #endif
> typedef int gsort_error;
> /*================
> ==================
> The quick interface is for apps with lightweight sorting requirements.
> They've
> got a flat graph stored elsewhere in whatever format they use. They want to
> describe the graph to the gsort library and be told what order the nodes
> should be executed in. They don't need to customise the sort algorithm too
> much. They don't need gsort's representation of the graph to persist or be
> modifiable or re-sortable: When they modify and resort they'll just re-init
> the library, describe the new graph and be told the new execution order */
> gsort_error
> gsort_Q_Initialise( void );
> gsort_error
> gsort_Q_Cleanup( void );
> gsort_error
> gsort_Q_AddNode( void *Node, uint NumInputs, uint NumOutputs, ushort
> Flags );
> /* is void* Node ok? would int NodeID be better? */
> /* the flags privide required information...
> and some minimal customisation of the sort...
> (2 flags because default is don't care)
> (2 flags because default is don't care)
> gsort_error
> gsort_Q_AddConnect( void *SNode, uint SOut, void *DNode, uint DOut );
> gsort_error
> gsort_Q_SortGraph( void );
> void *
> gsort_Q_GetNextNode( void );
> /* after calling gsort_Q_SortGraph, call this repeatedly to get the
> execution order. Returns 0 when finished. Self resetting so if you need to
> be told twice, just start calling it again. */
hmmm... i would like to have this a list or is this not a list internally ?
> /*===============
> =================
> The full interface is for apps with heavyweight graph sorting
> requirements ie
> they need some or all of the following functionality:
> ~ multiple, persistent, modifiable graphs
> ~ nodes with changing numbers of inputs and outputs
> ~ graphs-within-graphs
> ~ customiseable sorting
> ~ more information about the execution order, eg about feedback loops
> ~ serialisation of graphs
> It is possible, but not obligatory, for an app to use gsort to hold the sole
> representation of its graph(s) when using the full interface.
this is nice...
> graphs-within-graph functionality is accessed simply by passing a graph
> handle into a function that expects a node handle. These never turn up in
> the execution list, but the stuff inside them does (works recursively with
> sub-sub-graphs etc as well) */
nice idea... i begin to understand why you want ids...
but a void * is a unique id also ... needs a smarter hash function than an ID
but no more i think.
> typedef void * gsort_handle;
> gsort_error
> gsort_Initialise( int InitGraphHandles );
> gsort_error
> gsort_Cleanup( void );
> gsort_handle
> gsort_NewGraph( ushort Flags, void *Data, gsort_callback Callback );
> /* The callback functions have nothing to do with runtime execution of the
> graph. They're for the application to receive - and possibly provide -
> information during the sort process. Pass in 0 if you're not bothered.
> The Data pointer is for the sole use and convenience of the application. */
signature of gsort ?
i bet you know already...
> gsort_handle
> gsort_NewGraph( ushort Flags, void *Data, gsort_callback Callback );
> gsort_error
> gsort_DeleteGraph( gsort_handle Graph );
> gsort_handle
> gsort_NewNode( ushort Flags, void *Data, gsort_callback Callback );
> gsort_error
> gsort_AddNode( gsort_handle Node, gsort_handle Graph );
> gsort_error
> gsort_RemoveNode( gsort_handle Node, gsort_handle Graph );
> gsort_error
> gsort_DeleteNode( gsort_handle Node );
> gsort_handle
> gsort_NewInput( ushort Flags, void *Data, gsort_callback Callback );
> gsort_error
> gsort_AddInput( gsort_handle Input, gsort_handle Node );
> gsort_error
> gsort_RemoveInput( gsort_handle Input, gsort_handle Node );
> gsort_error
> gsort_DeleteInput( gsort_handle Input );
> gsort_handle
> gsort_NewOutput( ushort Flags, void *Data, gsort_callback Callback );
> gsort_error
> gsort_AddOutput( gsort_handle Output, gsort_handle Node );
> gsort_error
> gsort_RemoveOutput( gsort_handle Output, gsort_handle Node );
> gsort_error
> gsort_DeleteOutput( gsort_handle Output );
> /* question: is a type InputOutput (to express the fact that a node is
> going to be doing in-place processing) required? Need to think about
> whether/when this might affect sorting decisions */
could be a hint on the Node... (CAN_DO_INPLACE)
thoughts about sort order impact:
/ \
-- notinplace1 < > inplace2
\ /
would be optimal if sorted_list = [notinplace1, notinplace2, inplace1, inplace2]
as inplace1 would destroy output buffer of notinplace1
if there was inplace3 parallel to inplace1 we would have to decide
which one should do the inplace processing...
hmmm... what is better ?
- copy output buffer and do inplace processing for both...
- do inplace only once
this example suggests run_adding()
but if the parallells would be >1 plugin chains run_adding() would be only used on
the end of the parallel structure...
> gsort_error
> gsort_Connect( gsort_handle Input, gsort_handle Output );
> /* wrong? Connections should be first class objects, not relations? */
why ?
do we have metadata on a connection ?
i believe metadata on a connection can be avoided...
but i am not sure...
> gsort_error
> gsort_Disconnect( gsort_handle Input, gsort_handle Output );
> /* wrong? Connections should be first class objects, not relations? */
> /* plus more functions to...
> ~ customise the sort
> ~ trigger the sort
> ~ find out (about) the execution order
> ~ navigate around the graph (if you're using gsort to hold your sole
> representation of the graph you may need these to find out what it says!)
this should be able to return a tree
of unexpanded graphs.
> ~ serialise the graph */
ok... here is the polymorphy beginning...
application needs to use struct Node from gsort.h
this could be also done with
gsort_nodes_foreach( gsort_handle graph, gsort_callback cb, boolean enter_subgraphs, void *data )
> ~ non-audio-rate connections eg control signals
David stated that (at least in the XAP model) there would be no difference
for the sort algorithm...
it seems correct to me.
> ~ higher level graph editing functions
like automatic connecting ins and outs with same names ?
copy/paste ?
select chain ?
select parallel block ?
> ~ non-pull sort semantics eg push/dataflow, insertion order, clocked,
> others?
please describe more... sounds interesting...
> ~ non-audio applications
what are the non-audio requirements ?
> #ifdef __cplusplus
> }
> #endif
> #endif /* GSORT_H_INCLUDED */
torben Hohn
http://galan.sourceforge.net -- The graphical Audio language
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