[linux-audio-dev] shared memory tools?
async at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Mar 6 14:43:10 UTC 2003
On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 09:12:03PM +0200, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> Hello. I need two functions:
> make_shm(int size, char *key)
> -run by root
> -creates a locked shared memory segment
> -returns a key (preferably a string) which is used to
> access the shared memory
shm segments are identified by key id (key_t), use ftok on a file to turn
a string (the path to the file) into a key.
> Could somebody please write these routines to me?
yikes! [ insert nasty comment here ]
> Or give good
> hints?
_don't forget to free your shmem, it stays around after the process dies
if you don't pay attention
> I have Jack and other codes, but it all is confusing
> when the shared memory should be accessed from separate process
> which is not fork() of the other.
pass the key id by socket, pipe, (dummy) file, etc. if it's a file you
can just pass the file path/name to the other program and it can use
ftok to generate the key.
Robert Melby
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt4255a
Internet: async at cc.gatech.edu
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