[linux-audio-dev] Hydrogen 0.8.0 released

Comix acominu at tiscali.it
Sat May 24 14:51:01 UTC 2003

Hi all, the 0.8.0 version of Hydrogen Gnu/Linux drum machine is available at

	* Graphical user interface based on QT 3,
	* Sample based audio engine,
	* Oss Audio driver,
	* Jack Audio driver,
	* Export to disk audio driver,
	* Alsa Midi input,
	* Ability to import/export xml-based song file,
	* 64 ticks per pattern,
	* 16 voices with volume, mute, solo, pan capabilities,
	* Import of samples in wave, au, aiff format. 
	* Humanize and swing functions
	* Delay FX (new) 
	* Assignable Jack ports in preferences file (new) 
	* Assignable midi-in channel (1..16, ALL) (new) 
	* Import/export of drumkits (new) 
	* Delay FX
	* Bug fix in Alsa Midi Driver
	* Assignable Jack ports in preferences file
	* Assignable midi-in channel (1..16, ALL)
	* Drumkit support (load, save, import, export)
	* Acoustic drumkit included
	* various GUI improvements

Happy drumming! ;)
Alessandro <Comix> Cominu

e-mail: comix at despammed.com
Icq: 116354077
Linux User # 203765
[...Codito Ergo Sum...]

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