[linux-audio-dev] RE: cmpci 6.77 released (kernel 2.4/2.6 files patch)

C.L. Tien - 田承禮 cltien at cmedia.com.tw
Wed Apr 7 02:56:35 UTC 2004


The kernel 2.4/2.6 kernel config files need the patch file for the
 new driver. Please check them in the attached files. CMI8738 contains
 parameter description in detail.

ChenLi Tien

-----Original Message-----
From:	C.L. Tien - 田承禮
Sent:	2004/4/6 [星期二] 下午 10:05
To:	linux-kernel at vger.kernel.org; linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu
Cc:	收信群組-網頁 Support 信箱
Subject:	ANN: cmpci 6.77 released

I made changes based on the previous released (6.67), now the version is 6.77.

Major changes are described as follows:

1. I found that the legacy devices I/O ranges cannot be accessed on
 platforms other than X86, such as PowerPC and IA-64 systems.
 Now I only leave legacy devices enable selection on kernel config,
 user still need to set proper value for mpuio, fmio and joystick to
 use them, I think this matches other driver style.
 I also check the legacy device existance before enabling them, as
 there are chipset (i.e., Intel ICHx) support mpu401.

2. Fix the DUAL_DAC 4-channel PCM mode, now the 2 DACs play in
 synchronized way. Only user use 37 or earlier chip will feel difference.

3. Add AFMT_S16_BE format support so it can support more PowerPC
  platforms applications, too many APs insisted on using this format,
  although I report AFMT_S16_LE in GETFMT ioctl.

4. Fix AFMT_AC3 data sent on big-endian system, now MPlayer and Xine
   can send AC3 audio data correctly on Mac.

5. Fix CD/Line-in/AUX-in single channel mute bug.

The There are 3 patch files, which should be applied to the previous version
 (6.67) and the change-6.67-6.77 shows version change in detail.


ChenLi Tien

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