[linux-audio-dev]converting old pc hardware to a live musicperformance toy

Sascha Retzki sascha.retzki at t-online.de
Fri Apr 16 10:02:54 UTC 2004

Am Fr, 2004-04-16 um 09.19 schrieb Ariel Sommeria:
> One more question that comes up:
> Would someone have a distro to recommend? Compact and already tuned for
> audio/low-latency applications? I've started with SuSE, but I could use
> something more light weight...
> Thanks for all the help!
> Ariel

What about AGNULA ? It can be used by either Red Hat or Debian
installation. It aims to be a small Audio-Developer-Only Distribution,
too. I have not tested it yet. And I don't know if you need to download
either a RH or DEB install-cd, install it and then update the system
with agnula-packages or if AGNULAs ISO-images you can download can boot
and install a working system, so you must find that out on your own :( .
But anyway, hope that helps, too.
URL: http://www.agnula.org/


Sascha Retzki

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