[linux-audio-dev] mouse wheel behavior and RFC: human interface guidelines

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Sat Aug 21 17:56:03 UTC 2004

>it's backwards in a "numerical" sense, in that the numbers increase with 
>one slider type, but decrease with another, using the same command.
>However, UI designers don't think in numbers, but associations.
>Left is generally associated with up, right with down, as we read left to 
>right, top to bottom. Therefore, up MUST map to left, down MUST map to 
>right, otherwise, non-mathematically minded people get uttely confused.

this doesn't seem right to me. in all countries that use left->right
writing conventions, i think right is considered the default

also, when i think of road driving signs used to indicate significant
uphill or downhill sections, my recollection is that in the US and in
Europe they obey this right=up association if they actually show the


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