[linux-audio-dev] Re: [linux-audio-user] Setting up linux computer

martin rumori lists at rumori.de
Wed Aug 25 15:45:13 UTC 2004

On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 05:06:53PM +0200, ChristianH wrote:
> Why is it so important to load the firmware?
> Do they put in an extra light firmware at the factory, in order to keep
> shipping weights low? <gr>

to keep shipping weights rather low, they put in NO firmware in some
hardware (just a loader).  firmware is included with the driver and
required to be uploaded to the device on every initialization or at
least after every power on.

> Or is it just that they are actually continuously working on it after
> product release? (which may be a good thing - unless a product is rushed

might be the idea behind that, and that the user doesn't need to go
for the risky step of flashing the thing (and sending the half-flashed
device back and complaining etc.)



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