[linux-audio-dev] Which API to use for simple clients?

Nick Ing-Simmons nick at ing-simmons.net
Sun Jan 4 10:50:30 UTC 2004

The Linux Audio Developers' Mailing List <linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu> writes:
>On Friday 02 January 2004 15:13, Joost Diepenmaat wrote:
>> > Both have existing /dev/dsp style backends at present, which have been
>> > working fine. But recently (SuSE 9.0 install?) when run under ALSA
>> > emulation of /dev/dsp they both started producing segfaults - "after
>> > program had exited", (neither valgrind nor gdb can give any info on the
>> > fault).
>Do either/both of these use pthreads by any chance?  I've run into the exact 
>same situation recently (crashing at exit, on SuSE 9.0) when using pthreads 
>with dynamic linking.  Try building things statically, and see if your 
>results change.

Thanks, but I don't think that is it.
rsynth doesn't use threads in any way at all.
Perl is linked against pthreads but testcase that has the problem
does not start any threads. (Linking perl against threads statically 
would be a pain.)

>| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Director of Broadcast Software Development  |
>|                           |             Salem Radio Labs                |
>|    Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have.     |
>|                                            -- Harry Emerson Fosdick     |

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