[linux-audio-dev] programming time signature and tempo

James W. Morris sirrom75 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 9 17:14:43 UTC 2004

Hello everyone,

I've recently started updating wav composer not toilet 
(wcnt.sourceforge.net) the humourously named, rarely used, not-real-time 
audio sequencing, sampling, synthesis wav file generator.

can anyone point me to some information about time signatures and tempo 
which would be useful from a programmers perspective.  I've looked on the 
internet and what I found either told me nothing I did not know or just said 
that time signature was irrelevant (ie for notation only) and it was down to 
the performers to decide.

so far my code is based on 4/4 (4 'beats' of quarter notes per bar/measure). 
  a single bar has a value of 256, with halfnote 128, etc.  What I need to 
work out is how a different time signature will effect this, would I need to 
change the value of a bar etc?

I tried some experiments in cubase (i've not got any realtime sequencers 
working in linux yet) with audio blocks snapped to every half bar.  What 
confused me completely was when I changed the time signature to 5/8.  the 
snaps to half bars stayed in the same place, but the snaps to bars changed, 
ending with every 5th block snapped to a half note actually landing on a 
bar.   Uh?

can any one shed any light ?

thanks in advance,
James Morris.


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