[linux-audio-dev] Re: linuxaudio.org

Daniel James daniel at linuxaudio.org
Wed Jan 14 12:10:52 UTC 2004

> Would you mind putting your case to the wider community here?

It's my intention to do that with the launch of the project later 

> Marek has objections which appear to have some weight

Only if you don't know what we're doing. Given that the project isn't 
even underway yet and has only been in preparation for the last 
couple of weeks, it's premature for Marek to attempt to both force 
the direction of the project and prevent the site from being 
launched. He wanted the domain name himself for a different site, but 
he didn't bother to register it.

> but 
> i'm sure i'm not the only one who doesnt really know what is
> going on here.

Hence the need for the launch to be done properly, which takes time of 
course. As I explained to Marek, I'm not going to launch a project 
with zero community support. All I've been doing in the last couple 
of weeks is putting the idea to the LAD members that I know (or know 
by their software), and asking for their support. We can now launch a 
project with 17 members organisations rather than zero members, which 
in my view is now far more likely to succeed. It's not a cabal, and 
we haven't stopped anyone from joining.

> It is very
> important that representation of linux audio to the outside world
> is done correctly. It is not an easy thing to do. 

You're quite right, especially as there is little financial support 
for advocacy work. I'm launching this on my own time and funding it 
out of my own pocket, but after that it's up to the management board, 
representing the membership, to decide if I need to be replaced as 
Director. But someone has to get the project started.

> corporate involvement is also pretty controversial.

Corporates are already critically involved in Linux audio. Andrew 
Morton is paid for his kernel work through OSDL - check their 
membership list. ALSA is supported financially by SUSE, owned by 
Novell. These firms are as corporate as it gets. 

What matters to me is that corporate interests don't overrule other 
interests. Linuxaudio.org is mostly composed of libre software 
projects, who get a seat on the management board, just like companies 
- regardless of size. If you check the management boards of 
organisations like OSDL or CE Linux Forum, you'll notice that libre 
software projects don't get any representation there at all.



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