[linux-audio-dev] Re: linuxaudio.org

Marek Peteraj marpet at naex.sk
Wed Jan 14 21:55:47 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 15:54, Daniel James wrote:
> > You see, Daniel, there are some real questions here that need
> > clarification. I've just scratched the surface.
> You're quite right. I'm not sure how the significance of a particular 
> project can be factored in to the amount of influence in management 
> decisions - or if it should be. The same would go for large and small 
> companies.
> > That's what a 
> > community is for.  *None* of us have all the answers -- you can't
> > do this alone!
> Absolutely. But someone has to take the first step.
> > "A couple of weeks" is a miniscule amount of time 
> > to spend in organizing an initiative of this scope.
> I agree - but it should be sufficient to talk to a few people, put a 
> simple website together, write one press release, and make an 
> announcement. Already I'm being criticised for spending too long on 
> preparation!

Ok so you took the first step, i said, 
1. let's wait a bit
(your answer - we can't)
2. let's discuss it on lad
(it's your favorite forum)
3. let's do a foundation...
4. ...but let's discuss it on lad first, let's postpone the launch
(You're demanding veto power again.) (!)

That + you calling yourself a director without any election + keeping it
all confidential *definitely* *doesn't* sounds like a first step. 


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