[linux-audio-dev] Re: linuxaudio.org

Kai Vehmanen kai.vehmanen at wakkanet.fi
Thu Jan 15 01:35:45 UTC 2004

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Marek Peteraj wrote:

>>   So, the world of Linux audio developers is not one 
>> with a nice uniform viewpoint that's somehow encapsulated in this 
>> mailing list.  Doesn't that suggest that if this were to be debated 
> Jack, ladspa, does it ring a bell? See the lad archive. 

I promised myself not to get involved but now I just have to, although
only commenting this one specific statement.

JACK ---> Paul Davis. Discussions happened on LAD but mostly 
          concentrating on the n+1 different proposals and
          implementations on doing an audio server, and of course,
	  making more proposals. Paul just went ahead and did it. 

LADSPA -> Richard Furse. Although LADSPA is still _the_ example
          of LAD people working together, we were not closing
          in on any kind of solution in our discussions back
          in 1999-2000. Richard went ahead and put the pieces
          together, and ta-daa, we had a standard.

LAD web site
       -> Jörn Nettingsmeier. Again, this is another mostly
          one man show, that is run so well that others
          have silently approved it as the official frontend
          to LAD.

... so history shows (and personal memories of many endless discussions
prove it), that Chris is very much right - LAD is not one unified
community. We have personal agendas, ties to companies or developer
groups, we want _our_ solutions to succeed, etc, etc... but that's not
really new. But still, we desperately want to share our ideas about audio
development on Linux, and that is something that we share - whether it
fits our hidden agendas or not.

IMHO the magic of LAD is that it has survived the overblown egos of us
developers for so long, and even witnessed few cases of random
collaboration. :) And perhaps most importantly, LAD has been a fun place
to be - let's try to keep it that way.

 Audio software for Linux!

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