[linux-audio-dev] [Fwd: linuxaudio.org]

Claudio Mettler linux-audio-dev at goblin-embassy.net
Thu Jan 15 09:45:05 UTC 2004

(disclaimer: i am not a long time member of lad, nor am i a developer.
consider this mail a comment of a clueless jerk ;))

On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:52:11AM +0100, Marek Peteraj wrote:
> I'm forwarding my first email so that the lad jury can decide whether
> it's my personal agenda. I can post the second one aswell in case
> anybody is interested. Let me know what you think.

I think it's getting pretty silly now. <troll>It's like the debian
community, who spends a lot of manpower for discussing licensing
issues instead of making debian better/more useable.</troll>

Just wait. No one has the power to turn the already existing libre lad
projects into proprietary ones. 

> i just realised that the domain is taken, and i've found out that
> there's some kind of consortium emerging, which nobody know of
> anything</rant>. I'd like to ask 2 things:
> 1. what's the plan with that domain? i'm asking because i had a
> linuxaudio.org idea 6-7months, the idea was to build a lad and lau
Was this discussed on LAD?

my 0.05 swiss francs


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