[linux-audio-dev] Project: modular synth editor

Dave Robillard drobilla at connect.carleton.ca
Fri Jan 16 19:39:36 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-01-15 at 06:18, Steve Harris wrote:
> Sure, but equally modular synth modules are also very simple - at least
> externally. The only thing they can do that LADSPA can't is: have UIs and
> detect wether thier inputs are connected. Those are not hard problems to
> solve.

Well, I was really trying to kill the LADSPA GUI discussion (just
because it killed the last similar LADSPA thread), but I'll say
something about it:

Not once in my fiddlings with LADSPA plugins in a modular synth have I
said to myself "Damn.. these things need a big spiffy GUI".  Honestly, a
bunch of sliders works just fine for me - I don't really see the need
for more.  Sure, VSTs that look like shiny audio hardware are nifty...
but who cares?  

(I mean, yes it would be nice if LADSPA could do that I guess.  But it
can't, and I think it's a completely seperate problem to the modular
synth/polyphony/port connected problems)

> FWIW, I dont think its neccesarily important that LADSPA is used in
> modular synths, its far more important that modular synths all use the
> same module format, whatever it is, to save the duplication of effort
> thats going on currently.

Absolutely, but if LADSPA could be that plugin format.. that would be
obviously the best case.  Then every audio plugin would be the same
format, which is cool.

GUI stuff aside, are there any compelling reasons to create a new
modular synth plugin API?  (LADMSPA doesn't have a very nice ring to it
:) )

> - Steve

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