[linux-audio-dev] Re: Project: modular synth editor

Juhana Sadeharju kouhia at nic.funet.fi
Mon Jan 19 07:57:30 UTC 2004


I would like to clarify that the project originally was not about
writing a common modular synth patch editor. The idea was not that
we would have a common modular synth patch format.

The idea was to have an editor which anyone could take and configure
for their own system (audio, graphics). All the whistles and bells
would be there to re-implement the existing editors.

All individual software would still be individual software having
nothing common. Search for the ultimate modular synth system would
still continue. It certainly is easier to extend the existing modular
synths if the editor supports the features.

However, this development could lead to a standard module GUI system.

After the project is finished we would have:
 -Discussions, ideas
 -Technical information
 -Example implementations
 -A code library
 -Complete editor


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