[linux-audio-dev] Two or more monitors) Re: Project: modular synth editor

David Olofson david at olofson.net
Mon Jan 19 18:07:35 UTC 2004

On Monday 19 January 2004 16.03, gml at xs4all.nl wrote:
> A)
> Xinerama _does_ support open GL, at least with my matrox card, I
> can have openGL on one monitor of the two. That is a limitation of
> the card hardware, AFAIK, not of X.

Are we talking about a pre-Parhelia card?

I just remembered; the Matrox G100/200/400 drivers and/or hardware has 
problems with multiple OpenGL contexts. Matrox have known about it 
for ages, but seem to ignore the problem. This is part of the reason 
why I gave up on my G400.

That said, IIRC, you *can* still get multiple windows (different 
processes) accelerated. If so, why not windows on different 

Oh well... Accelerated drivers. No end to the fun! ;-)

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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