[linux-audio-dev] Re: linuxaudio.org
m at iriXx.org
Wed Jan 21 00:38:24 UTC 2004
Marek Peteraj wrote:
> Suddenly you're now speaking as the representative of the whole Linux
>audio community. But you're not. Neither am I. The only true
>representatives of the Linux Audio community are the Linux Audio
where's the logic in that??
as a composer, i say: what good is my writing music without an audience
to hear it?
what good is it writing applications, if there is noone to use them?
what good is a body, if every part of it wanted to be a hand, or a foot?
it would not function without eyes, nose, ears...
you speak as if the Linux Audio Developers are some kind of gods... but
none of us would exist in this community without each other. thats what
c-o-m-m-u-n-i-t-y means.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
--Benjamin Franklin
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