[linux-audio-dev] 2nd LAD conference

Matthias Nagorni mana at suse.de
Thu Jan 22 11:41:58 UTC 2004


as announced earlier, the 2nd Linux Audio Developers conference
will take place from 29. April to 2. May 2004 
at ZKM (Center for Art and Media), Karlsruhe, Germany.

In addition to the "Call for Papers" there is also a "Call for Music".  
Both are open until 29. February. We are looking for music that has been
done with Linux Audio software and intend to present it in a concert at
the "Kubus" concert hall of ZKM. "Live" performance with Linux Audio
software is welcome as well.

More information on the conference, registration, accomodation and the
"Call for Music" is available from www.zkm.de/lad

The current list of speakers (in alphabetical order) and talks is as follows:

Fons Adriaensen,     1) AEOLUS - a church organ in your PC
                     2) Using JAAA for audio measurements 

Frank Barknecht,     Rapid and Reuseable Audio Development With Pd

Julien P. Claassen,  Linux console - a textbased studio

Paul Davis,          Adding MIDI to a Digital Audio Workstation

Orm Finnendahl,      1) Linux as a Workstation for Composers
                     2) PD Workshop

Bob Ham,             LADCCA

Steve W. Harris and
Jörn Nettingsmeier,  Audio Engineering in a Nutshell

Steve W. Harris,     JACK, JAMin, Mastering

Takashi Iwai,        ALSA Sucks? - Trouble Shooting for Your Healthy Music Life

Jaroslav Kysela,     ALSA project - the last year

Victor Lazzarini,    Developing Spectral Signal Processing Applications

Matthias Nagorni,    Introduction to Modular Synthesis

Han-Wen Nienhuys,    LilyPond, a modular, extensible and programmable compiler
                     for high-quality music notation

Dave Phillips,       1) Keynote: One Year After:
                                 Notable Linux Audio Development in 2003
                     2) Still Nailing Jelly: An Update on Linux Audio   
                        Documentation Projects 

Abstracts and links to the respective projects are available at

Dr. Matthias Nagorni
SuSE Linux AG
Maxfeldstr. 5             phone: +49 911 74053375
D - 90409 Nuernberg       fax  : +49 911 74053483

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