[linux-audio-dev] LADSPA presets was: [ANN] new LADSPA plugins

Jan Weil Jan.Weil at web.de
Sat Jan 24 23:17:29 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-01-24 at 23:09, Tom Szilagyi wrote:
> Hi all,
> TAP (Tom's Audio Plugins) 0.1-0 is released.
> Currently four LADSPA plugins are available.
> You can check them out at:
> http://www.hszk.bme.hu/~st444/tap/tap.html

Hi Tom,

nice work!

I tested your plugins with Visecas (i. e. Ecasound) and I just wanted to
let you know that the way you set the MODE port_name for your TAP
Reverberator (as long as _SHOW_PRESET_NAMES_IN_GUI_ is defined) confuses
Ecasound's map-ladspa-list. (Without the #define there was no problem)

I had a look at ladspa.h and it doesn't say anything about newlines in
port names so I must suppose it is 'officially correct'.
Nevertheless I'd guess that there are other LADSPA hosts which
implicitly assume that port names do not contain newlines (maybe I'm
wrong here, though).

Which leads to a for more interesting question: 
Is this the way to deal with LADSPA presets?

For those of you who did not have a look at Tom's screenshots: 
His TAP Reverberator has a port which makes it possible to select a
builtin preset.
While this is obviously possible I feel a little uncomfortable seeing
After all many LADSPA hosts come with their own presets system (Ardour,
Ecasound, ...).

At least Tom's way makes sure that his presets can be used by all of
them. :)

So once more (I know this has been talked over before on this list): 
Wouldn't it be very cool if all LADSPA hosts spoke the same language
with respect to effects presets?

What is the best way to handle them? 
Is a common file syntax enough or do we need a shared library for this
Or will this lead to yet another daemon serving LADSPA hosts with preset
values? ;)


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