[linux-audio-dev] [ANN] new LADSPA plugins

Tom Szilagyi st444 at hszk.bme.hu
Sun Jan 25 12:46:12 UTC 2004

On Sun, 25 Jan 2004, Frank Barknecht wrote:

> Hallo,
> Tom Szilagyi hat gesagt: // Tom Szilagyi wrote:
> > * TAP Reverberator
> >   Actually no less than 38 reverberator effects,
> >   ranging from Afterburn to Warehouse, including
> >   small/medium/large rooms, halls, plates...
> >   and more!
> I cannot hear it. :( I'm testing the reverb in Pd but although I crank
> up decay times and played with dry/wet I cannot hear a reverb. I can
> hear a bit of (seemingly high pass) filtering, but no real
> reverbaration at all. I should hear a hall when selecting say "Smooth
> Hall", shouldn't I? Changing presets seems to work, as the filtering
> gets different when changing presets, but here I wouldn't call this a
> reverb. Maybe someone could provide a small ogg which shows what I
> should hear?

Is it possible that the comb and/or allpass filters are turned off? I
don't know how Pd displays plugins (i don't know Pd at all, maybe i should take
a look) but there should be 4 toggle buttons somewhere saying "Comb
Filters", "Allpass Filters", "Bandpass Filter", "Enhanced Stereo".
If all buttons are on, i don't have an idea right now, but think, think...


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