[linux-audio-dev] Modulars

Michael Moritz mimo at gn.apc.org
Mon Jan 26 17:53:58 UTC 2004

I have one to add:

Buzz   No (lost) Yes Yes Oskari Temmelin (?) http://www.buzzmachines.com/


Brad Arant wrote:

>I have a few more for you since I still own some of these - don't hin
>anybody has done emulators for them but I thought I would at least let you
>know they are there.
>PAIA Modular 
>ARIES System II 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: linux-audio-dev-bounces at music.columbia.edu
>[mailto:linux-audio-dev-bounces at music.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of Juhana
>Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 8:20 AM
>To: linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu
>Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Modulars
>Below is an unfinished list of modular synths. Better than nothing.
>This kind of simple lists gives a good overall picture of the situation.
>For us developers the list should have following info: have source code?
>have manuals? have screenshots? have example instrument files?
>I think I have collected enough all of that.
>BTW, the paper on first interactive graphics system (I.Sutherland's
>SketchPad 1963) gives the idea that the drawn circuit diagram could directly
>be used as input to the circuit simulators.
>Digital modulars have been around as long but I could not find anything
>(between 1963-1980) on having a graphical frontend to them.
>Of course, I do not have access to many old papers.
>                   Source  Graph   Script
>Name               Code    GUI     UI      Author/Notes
>AlsaModularSynth   Yes     Yes     No      M.Nagorni & F.Adriaensen
>AnalogBox          No      Yes     ?       ?
>Arts               Yes     Yes     No      ?
>AudioMulch         No      Yes     ?       Ross Bencina
>BlockCompiler      OnHold  No      Yes     M. Karjalainen
>Building Blocks    No      Yes     ?       MIDI only
>CPS                No      Yes     ?       Niels Gorisse
>Csound             Yes     No      Yes     Barry Vercoe
>Cmusic             Yes     No      Yes     ?
>DirectCsound       ?       ?       ?       ?
>DreamStation       No      ?       ?       Audio Simulation
>Fugue              Yes     No      Yes     ?
>Gabriel            ?       Yes     ?       ?
>Galan              Yes     Yes     ?       ?
>Gdam               Yes     Yes     ?       ?
>Harmonizer/Vsig    No      Yes     Yes     Eventide
>Infinity           No      Yes     ?       Sound Quest
>InstrumentBuilder  No      Yes     ?       Mark Trombino, Csound frontend
>jMax               Yes     Yes     Yes     IRCAM
>JSyn               No      ?       ?       ?
>Kyma               No      ?       ?       Symbolic Sound
>LabView            No      Yes     Yes     National Instruments
>Matlab/Simulink    No      Yes     ?       Mathworks
>MAX/MSP            No      Yes     ?       Cycling '74
>Moog Modular V     No      ?       ?       Arturia
>NMEdit             Yes     Yes     No      ?
>Nord Modular       No      Yes     No      Clavia
>Nyquist            Yes     No      Yes     R.B. Dannenberg
>OASYS              No      ?       ?       Korg
>OpenMusic          ?       Yes     ?       IRCAM
>PatchWork          ?       ?       ?       ?
>PD                 Yes     Yes     No      Miller Puckette
>Pulsar/Scope/Noah  No      Yes     No      Creamware
>PSK                Yes     No      Yes     ?
>Ptolemy            Yes     Yes     ?       ?
>Quasimodo          Yes     Yes     No      Paul Davis
>Reaktor            No      Yes     No      Native Instruments
>Reality            No      ?       ?       Seer Systems
>SAOL               Yes     No      Yes     ?
>Scilab/Scicos      Yes     ?       ?       ?
>Sildex/Signal      ?       ?       ?       ?
>Spiralsynthmodular Yes     Yes     ?       ?
>SPT                ?       ?       ?       Synthetic Intelligence
>Supercollider      No      ?       Yes     James McCartney
>SynC Modular       No      ?       ?       ?
>SynthBuilder       Yes     Yes     ?       Staccato Systems
>Tassman            No      Yes     No      Applied Acoustics
>Tempest            No      Yes     ?       Virtual Labs
>Vaz Modular        No      Yes     No      STL/Martin Fay
>VirSyn             No      ?       ?       ?
>Virtual Waves      No      Yes     ?       Synoptic
>Visual Orchestra   No      ?       ?       ?
>WaveWarp           No      ?       ?       Sounds Logical

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