[linux-audio-dev] Re: linux-audio-dev Digest, Vol 4, Issue 62

Jason Walton waltonj at acsd1.k12.co.us
Mon Jan 26 20:46:12 UTC 2004

Four hours of work for an IPOD

>>> linux-audio-dev-request at music.columbia.edu 1/26/2004 10:02:19 AM
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: [RFC] Lite OSC API  (Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen)
   2. RE: Modulars (Brad Arant)
   3. Modulars (Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:35:09 +0100 (CET)
From: Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen <k.s.matheussen at notam02.no>
Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [RFC] Lite OSC API 
To: linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu 
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58-L.0401261731570.12025 at iannis.uio.no>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

rd at alphalink.com.au: 
> Since I think this is really important I will give an example, and
from the
> other end of a continuum.   I use scheme for most of my music work.
> Scheme has a very sophisticated numerical tower.  I might write (->
> "/n_set" 1001 "freq" 440) to set the frequency of an instrument at
> The OSC encoder encodes values based on their lisp type, 1001 is an
> integer and gets encoded as 'i'.  Lets assume that to the receiver
> frequency argument is a float, here I lose because 440 is an integer.
> argue that a receiver implemented like that is just wrong, that an
> 440 frequency is completely valid, and SC3 thankfully agrees and
> the right note.

For what scheme implementation are you using? And where can I get what
you are using?



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 08:51:19 -0800
From: "Brad Arant" <barant at barant.com>
Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] Modulars
To: "'The Linux Audio Developers' Mailing List'"
	<linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu>
Message-ID: <200401261655.i0QGt1EO021207 at roar.music.columbia.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

I have a few more for you since I still own some of these - don't hin
anybody has done emulators for them but I thought I would at least let
know they are there.

PAIA Modular 
ARIES System II 

-----Original Message-----
From: linux-audio-dev-bounces at music.columbia.edu 
[mailto:linux-audio-dev-bounces at music.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 8:20 AM
To: linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu 
Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Modulars


Below is an unfinished list of modular synths. Better than nothing.
This kind of simple lists gives a good overall picture of the

For us developers the list should have following info: have source
have manuals? have screenshots? have example instrument files?
I think I have collected enough all of that.

BTW, the paper on first interactive graphics system (I.Sutherland's
SketchPad 1963) gives the idea that the drawn circuit diagram could
be used as input to the circuit simulators.

Digital modulars have been around as long but I could not find
(between 1963-1980) on having a graphical frontend to them.
Of course, I do not have access to many old papers.


                   Source  Graph   Script
Name               Code    GUI     UI      Author/Notes
AlsaModularSynth   Yes     Yes     No      M.Nagorni & F.Adriaensen
AnalogBox          No      Yes     ?       ?
Arts               Yes     Yes     No      ?
AudioMulch         No      Yes     ?       Ross Bencina
BlockCompiler      OnHold  No      Yes     M. Karjalainen
Building Blocks    No      Yes     ?       MIDI only
CPS                No      Yes     ?       Niels Gorisse
Csound             Yes     No      Yes     Barry Vercoe
Cmusic             Yes     No      Yes     ?
DirectCsound       ?       ?       ?       ?
DreamStation       No      ?       ?       Audio Simulation
Fugue              Yes     No      Yes     ?
Gabriel            ?       Yes     ?       ?
Galan              Yes     Yes     ?       ?
Gdam               Yes     Yes     ?       ?
Harmonizer/Vsig    No      Yes     Yes     Eventide
Infinity           No      Yes     ?       Sound Quest
InstrumentBuilder  No      Yes     ?       Mark Trombino, Csound
jMax               Yes     Yes     Yes     IRCAM
JSyn               No      ?       ?       ?
Kyma               No      ?       ?       Symbolic Sound
LabView            No      Yes     Yes     National Instruments
Matlab/Simulink    No      Yes     ?       Mathworks
MAX/MSP            No      Yes     ?       Cycling '74
Moog Modular V     No      ?       ?       Arturia
NMEdit             Yes     Yes     No      ?
Nord Modular       No      Yes     No      Clavia
Nyquist            Yes     No      Yes     R.B. Dannenberg
OASYS              No      ?       ?       Korg
OpenMusic          ?       Yes     ?       IRCAM
PatchWork          ?       ?       ?       ?
PD                 Yes     Yes     No      Miller Puckette
Pulsar/Scope/Noah  No      Yes     No      Creamware
PSK                Yes     No      Yes     ?
Ptolemy            Yes     Yes     ?       ?
Quasimodo          Yes     Yes     No      Paul Davis
Reaktor            No      Yes     No      Native Instruments
Reality            No      ?       ?       Seer Systems
SAOL               Yes     No      Yes     ?
Scilab/Scicos      Yes     ?       ?       ?
Sildex/Signal      ?       ?       ?       ?
Spiralsynthmodular Yes     Yes     ?       ?
SPT                ?       ?       ?       Synthetic Intelligence
Supercollider      No      ?       Yes     James McCartney
SynC Modular       No      ?       ?       ?
SynthBuilder       Yes     Yes     ?       Staccato Systems
Tassman            No      Yes     No      Applied Acoustics
Tempest            No      Yes     ?       Virtual Labs
Vaz Modular        No      Yes     No      STL/Martin Fay
VirSyn             No      ?       ?       ?
Virtual Waves      No      Yes     ?       Synoptic
Visual Orchestra   No      ?       ?       ?
WaveWarp           No      ?       ?       Sounds Logical



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:51:46 +0100 (CET)
From: Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen <k.s.matheussen at notam02.no>
Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Modulars
To: linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu 
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58-L.0401261742350.12025 at iannis.uio.no>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Juhana Sadeharju:
> Hello.
> Below is an unfinished list of modular synths. Better than nothing.
> This kind of simple lists gives a good overall picture of the
> For us developers the list should have following info: have source
> have manuals? have screenshots? have example instrument files?
> I think I have collected enough all of that.
> BTW, the paper on first interactive graphics system (I.Sutherland's
> SketchPad 1963) gives the idea that the drawn circuit diagram could
> directly be used as input to the circuit simulators.
> Digital modulars have been around as long but I could not find
> anything (between 1963-1980) on having a graphical frontend to them.
> Of course, I do not have access to many old papers.

There was one with a graphical interface:

MusicBox            No       Yes     No       David Fahrland

And its from the 64-69 or something, implemented in fortran, had a
made graphical interface, and supposedly was very much like Max, only
20 years earlier. The machine was placed at EMS/Sweden.

>From google I only found this information:
(At the top there is a picture of the machine)



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End of linux-audio-dev Digest, Vol 4, Issue 62

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