[linux-audio-dev] Utility for recording audio track with midiclock

Tim Goetze tim at quitte.de
Thu Jul 1 15:31:24 UTC 2004

[Gerrit Niestijl]

>"Tim Goetze" <tim at quitte.de> writes:
>> fwiw, i'm achieving quite satisfying results driving MIDI out from a
>> 1024 Hz RTC thread, with external hardware locking steadily onto the
>> output MIDI clock stream, even at tempi up to 240 bpm.
>Could you point me to some code examples on how you do this? I am an
>absolute beginner in this.

the project page is quitte.de/nam.html (be warned that building it
will probably take a seasoned pilot).

the RTC thread is run by the RTClock object, the MIDI clock signal is
calculated in Graph::process_time(), and finally the MIDI out
bytestream is written in MidiOut::process_time(). there's a
documentation file going with the package that discusses the
interaction of the various objects a bit.

MIDI event timing is calculated from a tempo map, so iirc, this
differs a bit from your objective. still, i hope you'll find it


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