[linux-audio-dev]Using python for small multimedia app ?
Paul Winkler
pw_lists at slinkp.com
Thu Jun 3 16:58:06 UTC 2004
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:54:56PM +0900, Cournapeau David wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am discovering python, having looked for a matlab-like
> environement. I am wondering now if it is possible to do some small
> multimedia applications with it; more precisely, I would like to develop a
> scientific application for audio/video analysis. Basically, I need to
> show an avi
> video with a synchronised waveform view of the sound, and some other
> features views, like the pitch of the film voices (the actual pitch
> detection doesn't need to be computed on the fly).
> Python seems really great for rapid developement, but I wonder if it
> is possible to play different media synchronously (the media decoding
> itself will be of course coded in C/C++) with it? Does anyone here have
> any experience with multimedia and python ?
I'm a full-time python/zope hacker but never done any multimedia
apps with python.
but here's some libs you might look at:
Numeric (c extensions that give you high-speed matrix math stuff,
might be handy for DSP)
SciPi - extensions that give you lots of pretty fast stuff including
data visualization and DSP.
pygame - libraries for doing games and apps with openGL graphics,
includes a lot of handy multimedia stuff (e.g. an audio mixer).
pyUI - built on pygame, for general-purpose UIs.
Paul Winkler
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