[linux-audio-dev] [OT] affordance? (was: Is ladspa actually
x at meta.lo-res.org
Wed Jun 9 10:21:36 UTC 2004
I read:
> > The problem is that it's not a word. Your understanding of it is
> > probably the best definition there is ;-)
> I have to disagree with this - it may not be a german word, but it
> certainly is an English one - its been in consistant use in scientific
> literature for ~30 years.
as I pointed out earlier "Affordanz" _is_ a german word (if I would need to
make it up I'd come up with something more beautiful ;) and just like it's
english counterpart has been primarily used in psychology and related fields.
> (UK) English is defined by usage - not a canonical dictionary, so it is a
> word.
so is german (and I don't care if this is the official view).
chris at lo-res.org Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/ special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)
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