[linux-audio-dev] Re: Behringer
Mario Lang
mlang at delysid.org
Sun Nov 28 13:17:54 UTC 2004
Lee Revell <rlrevell at joe-job.com> writes:
> On Sat, 2004-11-27 at 15:43 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
>> > Did this happen?
>> Maybe not to them but look at Mackie and Behringer.
> Just to save people some googling here is a thread that documents the
> long and colorful history of pro audio hardware manufacturers blatantly
> ripping each other off, often leaving the victims with no legal
> recourse:
> http://homerecording.com/bbs/archive/index.php/t-74439.html
> IMO the issue is not whether RME's concern is valid - clearly it is.
> Sorry, but arguing otherwise makes us look stupid and naive. The issue
> is how to address this concern. If that means a closed source Linux
> driver, fine.
No, not fine, not for me, not at all. Simplified, I'll buy FireWire interfaces
from the first manufacturer who comes out with proper open source linux
support and the features I need. For all others, sorry, no bussiness with
me. Especially since there are PCI interfaces around, and if I really
wanted to do pro audio on my laptop I could get a PCMCIA card as well.
> Maybe the reason no firewire hardware is supported is because Behringer
> and their ilk would instantly have all the info they need to copy the
> design and mass produce it.
I highly doubt this argtument really holds, especially since we're just
talking a driver here. You aren't exactly getting a hardware design file
or something, you just get the source on how to drive the hardware.
> Doesn't matter how cheap the device is to design - it will _always_
> be cheaper to rip someone off than design it yourself.
Well then, simple, go through the linux sources and rip
all the manufacturers off, you should be very rich in a matter of time, right?
No, wrong.
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