[linux-audio-dev] Looking for a home for a small jack utility....

Dan Mills dmills at spamblock.demon.co.uk
Thu Oct 14 18:36:39 UTC 2004

On Thursday 14 October 2004 15:10, Dave Robillard wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 16:45, Dan Mills wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I have a small utility (jackswitch - a clickless <hopefully> audio switch
> > for the jack enviroment) and was wondering if there is a site for hosting
> > this kind of small simple utility program.
> Out of curiosity, is it implemented as an internal or external jack
> client?

External, internal does not seem to really buy all that much. 

I was going internal before someone corrected my misunderstanding of how the 
jack processing graph worked. Once I realised that jackd is NOT run between 
each client process (I assume unless a input port is being used as a summing 
node - or is this handled by libjack from within the client context?), the 
extra debugging pain ceased to be in any way worth it.  

This was not originally written as an example, but rather as a small tool that 
I needed and external is easier to debug....

Regards, Dan.

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