[linux-audio-dev] Sequencer cursor

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Mon Oct 25 15:26:01 UTC 2004


  The use of the computer keyboard in Sequencer Plus is the main reason 
I keep using it. MusE, RG, and the crop of Windoze MIDI sequencers are 
all very nice, but they all presume that my working method will be mouse 
& MIDI-keyboard centric. I don't play keyboard worth a damn, and I find 
the mouse to be clumsy and inaccurate compared to keyboard control. It 
looks as though your project attempts to revive the more extensive use 
of the keyboard in a GUI sequencer, is that correct ?



Thorsten Wilms wrote:

>I have been thinking about transfering the concept of a 
>cursor from text editing to MIDI editing.
>Since this not specific to any existing sequencer I like 
>to present my concept here, in hope of feedback and  
>maybe some project picking it up.
>The red, turned H is the cursor. The row (note) it's on 
>is always marked/highlighted.
>The cursor can be moved with cursor keys or placed by 
>left clicking (just like a text cursor).
>Selection of events happens by rubberbanding per mouse 
>or by using shift + cursor keys.
>New notes can be inserted at the cursor location 
>by just hitting enter, using a default value or the 
>grid resolution for the length when nothing was  
>selected. Or filling the selected area with the new 
>note (empyt space is treated like whitespace in a 
>Selected events can be moved with the cursor keys 
>by holding down Ctrl.
>There could be auto-selection of the closest event 
>when nothing else was selected.
>Thorsten Wilms

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