[linux-audio-dev] mp3 mess help

Aaron aamehl at actcom.net.il
Wed Oct 27 23:15:22 UTC 2004

Wow what great responses.
I got a perl script a one line shell script and using qsort (new to me)
and a few apps.

Even more than I even hoped for.

I will try them out and see which glove fits the best tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who supplied a solution

On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 08:04, Aaron wrote:
> HI all,
> I have set of mp3's that I have been working with over the last few
> years. They have been backed up, renamed moved to different directories.
> most of them are not tagged.
> after a few crashes/loss of a hard disk etc. I am now trying to restore
> my work.
> I have a full partition with them in it but it is obvious most of them
> are there multiple times with different non discriptive names..ouch:(
> Is there a way I can searh the mp3 to find which are the same/different
> using the actual mp3 binary data??
> any way I can avoid listening to hundreds of files would be most
> appreciated.
> any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Aaron

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