[linux-audio-dev] Drum synth

Comix acominu at tiscali.it
Tue Sep 21 12:42:03 UTC 2004

On Saturday 18 September 2004 23:35, jaromil wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 09:14:30PM +0100, Chris wrote:
> > Hydrogen sounds like what you need:
> > http://hydrogen.sf.net/
> not exactly, but is the best candidate i can think of for such a
> feature as being dicussed in this thread... i mean hydrogen could do
> quite well with some synthesis channels using the interface it has
> allready.
> Comix what do you say? :)
> show us the modular API to hook sample channels in hydrogen! :))
Adding some synthesis channel in hydrogen is already in my (huge) todo list :)
But I also need to sleep sometimes!! :)
If someone is interested in creating the synth code, I can help him in 
introducing the code into hydrogen.

> then of course we need a GPL'd drum synth algo
> i guess there is ppl here that can code something like that spending a
> very pleasant day on the computer in the name of creation JAH BLESS
> (OT: is anybody else here suffering of "release fever" these days?)
Release Fever? yes...me :(
>    <<troppe canne capello'>>
<<almeno passale!>> ;)

Alessandro <Comix> Cominu

e-mail: comix at despammed.com
Icq: 116354077
Linux User # 203765
[...Codito Ergo Sum...]

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