[linux-audio-dev] Radio Scanner Recorder

Guillaume Filion gfk at logidac.com
Tue Aug 30 20:18:06 UTC 2005

Eric Dantan Rzewnicki a écrit :
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 11:31:50AM -0400, Guillaume Filion wrote:
>>  One thing that I would like to
>>do would be to use a low pass filter because my scanner seems to emit 
>>some low frequency sounds that are louder than some parts of the 
>>conversations. If I understand jack correctly, it would allow me to plug 
>>a low pass filter in front of the recording program easily.
> You mean a high pass filter, right?

Yeah, of course... silly me...

Guillaume Filion, ing. jr
Logidac Tech., Beaumont, Québec, Canada - http://logidac.com/
PGP Key and more: http://guillaume.filion.org/

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