[linux-audio-dev] ANN: "Modern Computer Music and DSP Programming Tools" Workshop in Mainz/Germany
Albert Graef
Dr.Graef at t-online.de
Thu Dec 8 23:03:31 UTC 2005
Dear LAD'ers,
our Department of Music-Informatics at the Johannes Gutenberg University
of Mainz is organizing a little workshop with introductory courses on
Faust, SuperCollider and Q by Yann Orlarey (Grame, Lyon), Stefan Kersten
(TU Berlin) and me. The workshop is sponsored by the "Interdisciplinary
Working Group of Music and Arts Informatics" of the Johannes Gutenberg
University, so it's free, and takes place at the Institute of Musicology
(Philosophicum, Jakob-Welder-Weg 18 on the campus) on Tuesday, Dec 20th
2005, from 14:00 h to 18:00 h.
If you'd like to participate, then please *please* register (just mail
me at Dr.Graef at t-online.de or my secretary, Mrs. Felicitas Volke, at
volke at uni-mainz.de). Registration is free but mandatory, as we can only
accommodate a limited number of participants. If you register, please
also indicate whether you can bring your own laptop, as the Linux PC and
MIDI equipment available for the workshop is even more restricted than
the amount of available chairs, coffee and Christmas cookies. ;-)
More information can be found in the attached text file. Information on
how to find us on the campus is available at
http://www.uni-mainz.de/zentral/75.php. You can also contact me at
Dr.Graef at t-online.de if you have any further questions.
Please feel free to pass this around to your friends, colleagues and
other mailing lists as you see fit.
Albert Graef
Dr. Albert Gr"af
Dept. of Music-Informatics, University of Mainz, Germany
Email: Dr.Graef at t-online.de, ag at muwiinfa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de
WWW: http://www.musikinformatik.uni-mainz.de/ag
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